Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Olimpos Climbing Festival Oct.24-28, and sucuk!

kahvalti anyone?

Our bungalow hostess in the backround and her grandson waiting for a delicious orange from Bestami

Look like he got ahold of a piece of orange finally! Ahu on the left here, I think he learned the pinky finger trick from me!

Bestami did most of the hard climbing.... pretty much all the time. That just gave Ahu and I a chance to work some fun routes, mostly VI - VII+

Beautiful rocks.


Bestami, "Ahh, sucuks...!"

Bestami, Ahu and I decided to find a secluded spot off the trails where no one, I mean no one, could even smell the sucuks! :)

Nearby wall filled with VIII and up routes.

Our wall a little bit of cool down before the beach

Another day of climbing, another lunch with... yum... sucuks! Oh, and a Robert Deniro look-a-like!

After lunch we decided to go for a dip in the Mediterranean, Ahu said "Cok guzel" I said "Cok soguk"

It just goes to prove that you don't have to ever worry about not finding a Canadian nearby, very good climbers they were!

Bestami sending something hard here, maybe VIII or VIII+, I can't recall.

On belay, off belay... ahhhhhhhhhhh. No worries Ahu has it under control.

Clip it Besto!

And of course I had to point out each and every SCARY bolt I found in Turkey. Here is a nice one bolted horizontally, sure to unthread the nut if you took a hard fall on this one! Yikes!!! And wow were there alot of bent hangers, I don't trust this Kong company... Fixe all the way!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hiking Afyon's mountains, Trip 1

At 5am, no one is awake, I mean no one... Even the hotel shuts down. And why wouldn't they, what kind of crazies would be up at this time, and taking photos of the dark empty lobby! :)

A typical sunrise over the rolling mountains in Afyon, but so beautiful, every time...

In contemplation, or just bored from waiting for all the slow guys!

We're always there to help a friend in need, or in the case to help a friend UP! Nice one Osman. There are more, don't you worry, and they will reappear always!

Always ahead of the game, but it's okay, he was the only one still enough to get great shots of. This is nearing the summit.

Besides all the stopping for photos of fungus, we are getting there!

The view looking down from my resting spot, still morning, still just as beautiful.

Hmm, a little tired are we... I think Cengiz is pulling snacks out. :)

Well he was always still, thats not to say his snack wasn't on the move, very dynamic and the endless backround was fantastic.

Shall we head back down?

Cool tree I thought. Near the summit all alone, except for the random grasses and shrubs.