Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Some Climbers in Olympos

I was strolling along the one road in Olympos that leads straight to the coast when I stumbled upon these climbers at Horguc. I think they were from Spain, from what I could hear. I haven't climbed here, but sure would like to. I hadn't found a climbing partner at this point.
Then, just as I was going to leave Horguc, I met a few Turkish climbers, one was Bestame who I was told about by my friend Luri that works in the gear shop at Kadir's Tree Houses. So I introduced myself to him and his girlfriend Ahu, and they invited me to come to Cennet to climb after lunch. I went straight back to my bungalow and geared up, then headed down the road to the beach.
This was the second route I tried, very easy I think maybe they wanted to see my skills before taking me on anything harder, that's cool. I love to climb, so easy or hard I enjoy it, besides the easy routes are always fun, in a relaxing kind of way. Besto (for short) is here on the left.
This is Ahu tying in to lead this short route, there were three routes at the entrance to Cennet that are very easy, most everything else here is pretty much rediculous...

With proper footwork, balance, it is much much easier, a novice climber can make this difficult.

Small overhang section, no problem just get that foot over the edge solid, this is usually the scary move if the route is more difficult, I have fallen trying a similar move but on a harder grade. I was climbing new routes near one of the other sectors, the rock is very loose, but eventually I climbed them, had to take a few falls of course.

I don't remember this guys name, but he was pretty good, also with the group of people I met. This is a very hard route, but still one of the lower grades here at Cennet.

Four or five of the guys were spending there time here, climbing at Cennet involves alot of crimpy holds and relies entirely on good balance, footwork is key.

Besto leading the last of the easy routes, then Ahu will take it up, then I took a shot. Very easy, but fun just to be out nonetheless.

Having clipped in the final anchor, Besto gets lowered by Ahu safely to the ground.

This route on the left here was the easiest, I think maybe a 5.7 or something like that, the other two were MAYBE 5.8 or 5.8+ definitely not much higher. And of course the other peoples hanging out on the rocks watching the guys try one of the hard crimpy routes.


Jeanne said...

OMG these rocks, these formations they are just too cool, it really makes me want to just jump on it, but of course it isnt that easy. I have been sort of coming back to sport/trad climbing, perhaps i'll be ready for this soon enough. Chris, glad you met some climbers in Turkey, its always a good thing to have connections away from home =) post you climbing on this..get someone to take your photo as you ascend ^___^ your friends from MPHC are cheering you on!

Unknown said...

wow, the first two routes look crazy hard and crazy high. o.0 i would be too intimidated for those... at least until i get better. the others dont look that bad, but knowing me, i'd probably make it look hard. lol. Looks like you had a great time! izmir is going to be great. jeanne's right, you need to be in the photos! get yonca to take some pics of you on the routes. =) of course, still be careful with your ankle!

NiCE said...

oh man that looks so tough! i got tired from just looking at ur pics. never been rock climbing with ropes, just ghetto mountain step climbing in china. lol. those pics reminds me of brad pitt's scene in mr and mrs smith! hot hot hot