Monday, September 1, 2008

Riding to Egirdir, 125km...

So you don't get bored looking at the rest of the trip... This was our final destination. The Town of Egirdir on Lake Egirdir.

Often times, it seemed like the road would never end... I felt like quitting three times, but I didn't and it turned out to not be so bad, although I was exhausted like you couldn't believe.

We passed lots of towns along the way, so it wasn't entirely empty, although I really enjoy the vast empty countryside much more, with the mountains grasses, trees and random stray goats!

Yes, hills, there were three that would substantial. The first one came up after about 15km into the ride, maybe less, it wasn't so bad, although that was with full energy, gained elevation of about 250m. The second hill was easier than the first, a bit more gradual, not as much gain. The third, however, was a real kicker. We gained about 350m in elevation and from what I can tell it was alot shorter distance, or could have been the same 4km like the first one, there was one last pitch that we rested for a couple of minutes, then continued, but no worries, we made it and the blazing fast descent was worth all the struggling effort.

Now, I saw this lake as we were on our way down from the high mountain pass, and I was like 'Oh, we are almost there!' Then as we passed a road sign, I came to realize that we were merely half way, the town was 65km further... Oh my...

This was the most satisfying sight... It meant we were STOPPING!!! It actually gave me some extra energy to see the town off in the distance, so we pushed further and made our way to our desitination. Finally!

There is a fantastic beach on the lake that we of course had to go take full advantage of while we waited for our lunch. The water was cold, but let me tell you, it was ALOT warmer than the pool water back at the hotel. It was so refreshing to take a dip after being in the sun for 6hrs straight, yes 6hrs.

That little shed on the left was where we had lunch, a bit late it was about 2pm by then, very good food as always here in Turkey. Until the next ride, that is it for now. Oh and take a look at the best seat on the van back! About a two hour drive back to Afyon, so multiply by three and thats how long it takes to travel by bicycle, that is quite impressive I would say.


Jeanne said...

Your bike came in handy! looks beautiful there Chris, glad you are enjoying yourself. I am about to go bike riding too, hopefully i'll hit Hudson River Park if not, just that park before the Bridge..hehe

Unknown said...

wow, that was impressive chris! 6 hours... but i can see why you love it so much! the serenity and finally the rush of accomplishment when you reach the end. =) so that's the lake that you told me about. lol, when you told me, i thought it was a dingy lake, i was like, what's the big deal? hoo boy was i wrong! it's beautiful! cant wait till i get there too! yay! lol